YDNews| 04:55 pm| One-minute read
Delhi: The lockdown imposed in the entire nation has brought problems for its citizens and the government above all, however, nature seems to nurture itself while the people have self-quarantined themselves.
The national capital Delhi is considered to be quite a polluted place in India. But a recent report shows that Air Quality India of Delhi is calculated to be under ‘yellow zone’ which is quite rare given its early records. Sometimes, Delhi has also crossed 300 scores of AQI.
Seems like nature is making most of this time. According to the reports, the pollution level has dipped because a large number of vehicles were restricted to hit the roads due to the lockdown. European Space Agency has released the satellite images showing how nitrogen dioxide levels have slumped drastically in the city.
This is something unexpected in the moment of scare surrounding the whole nation. What happened to Delhi was an unexpected side-effect amid the lockdown triggered to stop the Coronavirus spread.
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The netizens were quite excited about this news because it is very rare to see Delhi people breathing in a non-polluted environment. Twitter was overloaded with joyous people quoting that rarely they have seen Delhi in Yellow zone which is quite good.
Netizens believe that pollution is triggered from within Delhi. So, once the Coronavirus is gone, the citizens must work towards making the environment better.
Here have a look at how netizens reacted to the news:
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