YDNews | Home-Quarantine | one minute read
Home-Quarantine: Till now new cases of Coronavirus have clarified the fact that no one is safe to be it an NRI or a superstar singer, people are advised to take of themselves on there own. One such advice is being practiced worldwide which is self-quarantine which means keeping yourself locked inside a house and not performing your daily work routine.
Well, Home-quarantine can be difficult and dreadful and we totally understand that it makes you restless and feel numb. However, a study by King’s College London suggests that quarantine is associated with symptoms like post-traumatic stress disorder, confusion, and anger due to being free. However, the effects of the same can linger.
Therefore, we have collected some methods of keeping oneself busy and happy so that you do not become restless and sad.
Perform activities of self-care
For so long you haven’t been treating yourself properly. All those restless nights when you struggled to sleep but were stuck with your ppt and other office stuff and then no proper intake of meals. But now you have time to work on yourself. Take proper rest but that does not mean that you become a couch potato, you must exercise as well.
Eat properly, but don’t eat because you don’t have anything else to do as it can imbalance your body, both internally and externally.
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Have conversations with your loved ones and your long lost friends
Remember your friend with whom you used to share the bench in your school times? He/She is now a mere contact in your phone list. So hunt down your loved one and your old friends and converse with them. Maybe you can enjoy the best memories of your life.
Talking to your tribe tends to increase your happiness hormones and lessen your stress which helps you to become disease-free.
Perform activities that make you happy and stress-free
Frankly, whenever I get stressed or bored of my daily routine I only do 2 things, I either scroll down my Instagram to find interesting memes or I put on my earphones and put music according to my mood. Now, it depends upon you what is your preference or what makes you happy.
We suggest you read knowledgable books, listen to music and watch good quality content on Youtube maybe. By the way, you can also add Yoga or meditation in your list since trying something new is never a bad idea.
Control your screen time
Alright! We know you don’t have anything else to do but just for the sake of your health, don’t be glued to your TV or mobile phone screens. According to a study by UB School of Public Health, the ones who keep watching TVs continuously tend to exhibit high levels of stress and depression.
Maintain your physical health
While I used to go to my office, I preferred walking my distance of 1 km from the drop point to the main office. Walking or maintaining physical health is very important but right now you don’t have the option of going out so you can perform indoor exercises in your terrace or balcony.