YD News/ Perform these five yoga asanas for relief: Asthma Awareness Month/ Three minutes read
Perform these five yoga asanas for relief: Asthma Awareness Month
Asthma is a respiratory condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow, swell, and produce extra mucus. And that creates difficulty in breathing. It is identify by breathing difficulties, chest pain, cough, and wheezing, among other symptoms. To spread awareness about the condition and call for improvement in the lives of people with asthma. May is celebrated as Asthma Awareness Month, every year.

In addition to follow the preventative measures. One should avoid inciting agents, smoking, dust, strong scents, and wearing a mask, you can also find relief from asthma by doing a few basic yoga asanas.
Perform these Five yoga asanas for Asthma
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

This asana, according to the expert, “strengthens the spine and improves backache.” The capacity of the lungs rises as the chest expands.”
How to perform this Asana?
- Lie down on your abdomen and keep the forehead on the floor. Extend the legs and keep your feet together.
- And rest the palms beneath your shoulders, palms facing downwards, and fingertips in line with the top of your shoulders.
- Then Inhale, press the palms firmly on the floor and lift the head and chest up, and elbows closer to the body.
- Stay in this position as long as you can, or up to 1 minute, and make sure that you use your neck and upper back muscles to lift your head and chest up keeping very less weight on the palms. Keep breathing.
- Exhale and bring your forehead and chest down on the floor.
Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

It improves spine flexibility and tones abdominal organs. It also expands your chest, boosting your lung capacity.
How to perform this Asana?
- Lie down on your abdomen with your forehead on the floor and extend your legs.
- Bend your knees and hold your right ankle with your right hand and your left ankle with your left hand.
- Take a deep inhalation, exhale and lift your legs, chest, and forehead up simultaneously. Weight should be on the abdomen.
- Stay in this position for as long as you can up to 1 minute. Keep breathing.
- Exhale and release the ankles and bring your chest and legs down.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist)

This asana “keeps the spine elastic, massages the abdominal muscles, and is good for digestion.
How to perform this Asana?
- Sit in Vajrasana, then drop your buttocks to the floor, to the right of your heels, and place your left foot outside of your right thigh keeping your right leg bent.
- Place your left palm on the floor behind your back.
- Raise the right arm up and lengthen your spine, bring the right arm over the left side of the left knee and catch hold of your left ankle. Look over the left shoulder.
- Hold the pose for as long as possible up to 1 minute. Repeat the same on the opposite side.
Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose)

This asana stretches the neck, spine, chest, and hips. It also stimulates the lungs, thyroid gland, and abdominal organs.
How to perform this Asana?
- Lie down on your back, arms by your sides, palms facing downwards.
- Bend your knees, feet resting on the floor hip-width apart.
- Inhale lift your hips up by exerting pressure on the floor with your palms.
- Hold the position as long as possible, exhale hips down on the floor.
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

This asana helps tone the nerves, relieves stiffness in the neck and shoulders, and expands the rib cage and lungs, hence, breathing and lung capacity are improved.
How to perform this Asana?
- Lie down on your back, feet together, and knees straight.
- Place both arms under your body and palms facing downwards under your thighs.
- Inhale, lift your head and chest up, exhale drop your head back so that the top of the head touches the floor with the chest expanded.
- Make sure the weight is on the elbows. Keep breathing and keep your legs relaxed.
- Lift the head up and lower the back to the floor.
Yoga helps in strengthening the lungs as it focuses on not only holding the asana but breathing through the same, allowing the respiratory system to work while the body is in unnatural poses. This in turn strengthens it. Practicing yoga asanas for asthma has helped control asthma effectively and in some cases, asanas are used for preventing asthma attacks altogether.
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