Coronavirus scare: As a precautionary step taken to stop the rapid outbreak of Coronavirus, Qatar has temporarily suspended the entry of travelers from 14 countries including India. This ban is applicable from today i.e. March 09.
Other than India, the ban is applicable for Bangladesh, China, Pakistan, South Korea, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Thailand.
The Qatar government in an advisory reportedly said, “This step comes in line with the state of Qatar’s efforts to take all necessary preventive measures to limit the spread of the virus.”
The restrictions will cover all the citizens of the above-mentioned countries. It includes citizens having temporary visas, residence or work permits, and visa on arrival.
Moreover, the people of Qatar are also advised not to visit these countries.
On Sunday, there were three more positive cases of Coronavirus were reported.
After China, Italy has reportedly suffered most deaths due to Coronavirus. Qatar Airways had already suspended the flights to and from Italy.
WHO says that the global death toll due to COVID-19 has reached around 3500 and there are more than 100,000 confirm cases of Coronavirus.