YDNews| Cool drinks
Well the summer is on full swing, and it has already made us look and feel more tiring and unfresh, we need something to keep us alive, fresh and active. Therefore, here are some ideas of cool drinks for summer hot.
Coconut water
Refreshing and a naturally rejuvenating drink in summer which can keep us not only cool but fresh and active as well.
Orange juice
Fresh orange juice, the tint, and sweet taste will keep you not only fresh and alive the whole day.
Mango shake
We don’t think so anyone person alive who does not like mango, you can make Mango shake at home and keep yourself cool all day. However, this shake is a good option to opt for when you are hungry and are going to have food after a long day because mango shakes tend to keep you full for a long time.
Aam Panna
Aam Panna is prepared with mint leaves and mangoes. Its tangy taste is a treat for your day and most effective against a heat stroke.
Cold Coffee
A full cup of fully blended coffee with cocoa power on top of it and has chocolate syrup around the glass. A perfect drink you not only keep you cool but awake all day. A drink enough for your hard day at work or school.
Last but not least Lemonade. The all-time popular summer drink prefered by almost everybody. From old people to youngsters, a lemonade is effective when nothing else is.